In partnership with Ecumen and Thrifty White Pharmacy, Ōmcare successfully completed a pilot of its first product, the Ōmcare Home Health Hub® proving a new model for additional revenue and dose-level adherence.

MINNEAPOLIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Ōmcare successfully wrapped their initial pilot in partnership with Ecumen and Thrifty White Pharmacy to test its first product—The Ōmcare Home Health Hub.
The Hub is an all-in-one home telehealth solution that enables remote care and ensures dose-level medication adherence. It stores up to a 30-day supply of multi-dose pouched medication that works in tandem with a video portal, providing visual confirmation that loved ones are taking the right medication at the right time.
Thrifty White Pharmacy provided home-delivered pharmacy fulfillment service for each participant in easy-to-load packaged medications. Then, over the course of the 3-month pilot, participants—who took at least 4 medications a day—received calls to their Hub from an Ecumen staff member when it was time to take their medications.
The pilot aimed to measure three key measurements:
- Evaluate medication adherence among participants
- Examine patient and caregiver satisfaction
- Compare operational and cost between remote medication assistance via the Ōmcare Home Health Hub and the traditional med door pass
“This innovation sparked our interest because we saw it as a way to help older adults live independently longer,” said Shelley Kendrick, president and CEO of Ecumen, a nonprofit provider, developer and operator of living spaces and services for older adults. “As we seek to find ways to serve people wherever they call home, medication management solutions like this are key.”
Overall, the pilot successfully demonstrated improvements in all three areas. With 780 calls, lasting an average of three minutes, the results showed:
- The participants had 98% dose-level adherence
- The medication assistance service via the Hub is 85% more efficient than door med pass
- 100% of the participants strongly agree Ōmcare helps them remember to take their medications
- 100% of the participants agree that they’re more likely to take their meds using Ōmcare.
“We are grateful to Ecumen and Thrifty White Pharmacy for their commitment and stellar performance in our pilot,” said Lisa Lavin, Chief Executive Officer. “Both organizations continue to innovate to improve health, reduce cost, and elevate the patient and provider experience.”
Ōmcare is scaling up for an early 2023 commercialization and is actively seeking senior care partners who wish to expand their services via technology.
View the full pilot report:
About Ōmcare
Ōmcare is a digital health company pioneering a customizable, home health platform that allows healthcare organizations to extend care into the home via a secure telehealth infrastructure with one-touch access to telehealth services, aggregated remote patient monitoring and medication dispensing with visual confirmation of dose-level medication adherence.
Morgan Rogers
Director of Marketing