Join Frontiers Health Global Hybrid Conference
This year it will not be Berlin to host Frontiers Health, the global conference dedicated to digital health. Yes, you read it right. Frontiers Heal…
This year it will not be Berlin to host Frontiers Health, the global conference dedicated to digital health. Yes, you read it right. Frontiers Heal…
Nanowear, the leading nanotechnology-based connected-care and remote diagnostic platform, announced an expanded COVID-19 remote diagnostic research all…
The third annual Patients’ Digital Health Awards (PDHA) are now open for entry to innovators and start-ups from Europe, that design or implement projec…
More and more conferences are going virtual because of the COVID-19 spread We have reached out to Francis Namouk, SWM Agency CEO, to discuss the filmi…
COVID Symptom tracker Can telehealth help flatten the curve of COVID-19? - Harvard Health Publishing Doctors Can Now Monitor COVID-19 Patients Re…
The historical moment we are experiencing represents a unique opportunity to understand the real potential of technology in healthcare. Never before ha…
The coronavirus has widely spread across the globe in the past months Emergency rooms are packed and it won't be over. Not that soon as we might desir…
The process defined by the new German DVG regulation for the reimbursement of digital health solutions paves the way for German leadership in the Europ…
The 54gene start-up aims to collect data from the African continent for better representation of genetic variability 54gene, an Africa-focused genom…
Humanitas University, dedicated to the Life Sciences, closely integrated with Humanitas Hospital and Research Centre, together with the Politecnico di …